Don Larkin, presenting to a group of designers about the many surprising uses of wallpaper today. From not only covering walls with unique patterns and colors but also applying those same patterns to match furniture, appliances, rugs, vents and outlet covers. Your imagination is the limit!
Wallpapered Specialties
The floorcloth shown uses the stripe wallpaper for a border and wallpaper from an adjoining room as the center.
An extraordinary accent that POPS!
Attention to Detail and Precision!
With the Floral print wrapping around the edges, different sections become lost or cut off. By fitting the individual flowers to fit the space and making sure small portions match up where three sections of the wall meet, minor details are accented nicely, to the point where you don't notice anything at all.
Before you saw it, Now you don't!
Hide power outlets, vent covers, or any utility item. With a small amount of wallpaper and expert
craftsmanship they disappear.